Click this to restore the file to the last saved state.
Click this to discard changes. Any unsaved changes will be lost.
Click this to cancel and continue editing.
Click this to save your changes.
The current selection contains this and other style(s). To change the selection to this style, choose it from this menu.
This is the currently selected style. To change to another style, choose one from this menu.
To use this style in the active document, choose it from this menu. Not available now becuase there is no document selected.
To use this style in the active document, choose it from this menu.
Style Menu
Use this menu to change the style used for the text in a document. Not available now because a dialog box is on the screen.
Style Menu
Use this menu to change the style used for the text in a document. Not available now because a document is not selected.
Style Menu
Use this menu to change the style used for the text in a document.
This is the currently selected size. To change to another size, choose one from this menu.
Displays a dialog box in which you can select any font size. Not available now because there is no document selected.
Displays a dialog box in which you can select any font size.
Decreases the size of the currently selected font. Not available now because there is no document selected.
Decreases the size of the currently selected font.
Increases the size of the currently selected font. Not available now because there is no document selected.
Increases the size of the currently selected font.
This is the currently selected font size. To change to another size, choose one from this menu.
To use this font size in the active document, choose it from this menu. Not available now becuase a document is not selected.
To use this font size in the active document, choose it from this menu.
Size Menu
Use this menu to change the font size used for text in a document. Not available now because a dialog box is on the screen.
Size Menu
Use this menu to change the font size used for text in a document. Not available now because a document is not selected.
Size Menu
Use this menu to change the font size used for text in a document.
Shows a dialog which allows you to set options for connecting to the weather servers and displaying information for each city. Not available now because a dialog box is on the screen.
Shows a dialog which allows you to set options for connecting to the weather servers and displaying information for each city.
Shows a dialog which allows you to set the list of cities for which information is obtained. Not available now because a dialog box is on the screen.
Shows a dialog which allows you to set the list of cities for which information is obtained.
Selects the entire contents of the open document. Not available now because a document is not open.
Selects the entire contents of the open document.
Removes the selected text without storing it on the Clipboard. Not available now because no text is selected or the text cannot be changed.
Removes the selected text without storing it on the Clipboard.
Inserts the contents of the Clipboard at the location of the insertion point. Not available now because the Clipboard is empty, does not contain text, or the text cannot be changed.
Inserts the contents of the Clipboard at the location of the insertion point.
Copies the selected text and places it temporarily into the Clipboard. Not available now because no text is selected.
Copies the selected text. The original selection remains where it is. The copy is placed temporarily into the Clipboard.
Removes the selected text and places it temporarily into the Clipboard. Not available now because no text is selected or the text cannot be changed.
Removes the selected text and places it temporarily into the Clipboard.
Undoes your last action if it involved cutting, clearing, pasting, or typing. Not available now because your last action cannot be undone.
Undoes your last action if it involved cutting, clearing, pasting, or typing.
Edit Menu
Use this menu to perform operations on text and preferences. Not available now because a dialog box is on the screen.
Edit Menu
Use this menu to perform operations on text and preferences.
Quits this application. Not available now because a dialog box is on the screen.
Quits this application.
Displays a dialog box in which you can specify the number of copies you want to print and other printing options. Not available now because the front window is not printable.
Displays a dialog box in which you can specify the number of copies you want to print and other printing options.
Displays a dialog box in which you can select paper size, orientation, and other printing options. Not available now because a dialog box is on the screen.
Displays a dialog box in which you can select paper size, orientation, and other printing options.
Restores the text to the last saved file. Not available now because the front window is not a document window, the text is unchanged, or has not been saved.
Restores the text to the last saved file.
Displays a dialog box in which you can assign a name to the document and indicate where to save it. Not available now because the front window is not a document window.
Displays a dialog box in which you can assign a name to the document and indicate where to save it.
Saves the current document. Not available now because the document is unchanged or the front window is not a document window.
Saves the current document. If you have not saved the document before, a dialog box appears in which you assign a name to the document and indicate where to save it.
Closes the front window. Not available now because there are no windows open or the front window can’t be closed.
Closes the front window.
Opens an existing document. Not available now because a dialog box is on the screen.
Opens an existing document.
This item is not available because a dialog box is on the screen.
File Menu
Use this menu to work with documents. Not available now because a dialog box is on the screen.